How to Talk to Your Children About Going to Church


Talking to your children about coming to church is an important and delicate conversation that can shape their spiritual journey and values. As parents, you play a crucial role in guiding your children’s understanding of faith and fostering a positive attitude towards attending church. We’ll explore effective ways to initiate and engage in conversations with your children about coming to church, making the experience meaningful and enjoyable for them.

How to Talk to Your Children About Going to Church

When it comes to talking to your children about coming to church, stepping into their shoes can be incredibly insightful. Have you ever wondered how they view the idea of church? What do they think happens there? Taking a moment to understand their perspective can lay the foundation for a meaningful conversation.


Children are curious about everything around them. Before you start the conversation, ask yourself: How does church look through their eyes? Is it a place of mystery, excitement, or maybe a little boredom? By recognizing their viewpoint, you can tailor your words to resonate with their feelings and curiosity.


Ask your child what they think about church. Starting with open-ended questions can lead to eye-opening conversations. Their responses might surprise you and give you insights into their thoughts and misconceptions. By understanding where they’re coming from, you can address their concerns and make the conversation more relatable.

Creating an Open and Comfortable Environment

When discussing church attendance, it’s important to create an open and comfortable environment where your child feels safe expressing their thoughts and feelings. Use open-ended questions like “How do you feel about going to church?” or “What are your thoughts about our church community?” This encourages a two-way conversation where you can listen actively and provide thoughtful responses.


This opens the door for them to share their thoughts without fear of judgment. What if you could make them feel that their opinions are valued, no matter what they say? By using open-ended questions, you invite them to express themselves in their own words.


Think about the way you lean in when someone truly listens to you. That’s the atmosphere you’re aiming for. Have you ever wondered what your child’s concerns might be? Maybe they’re worried about being bored or not understanding what’s happening. Creating an open space lets them voice these concerns, giving you the chance to address them with empathy and reassurance.

take children to the church

Let’s imagine a scenario. Your child says, “I don’t want to go to church because it’s boring.” Instead of dismissing their words, what if you responded with, “I understand. Can you tell me more about what you find boring?” This simple question invites a deeper conversation and shows that their feelings matter. By fostering this kind of dialogue, you’re building trust and a stronger connection.


Engage your child’s curiosity by highlighting the benefits of attending church. Discuss the sense of belonging and community they can experience, the opportunity to learn about important values and stories, and the chance to ask questions and grow spiritually. Use relatable examples to illustrate how church can positively impact their lives. Ask questions like “Have you ever wondered about the stories in the Bible?” or “Wouldn’t it be exciting to make new friends who share similar beliefs?”

Connecting with Their Interests

Think about your child’s hobbies and interests. Now, show them how the church can be a place where their interests can thrive. Have you ever thought about discussing the songs sung in church and how they can evoke feelings similar to their favorite music? It’s like finding a common ground that bridges the gap between their world and the world of faith.


Your child can learn about the captivating narratives found in the Bible. By involving them in the conversation, you’re making it personal and engaging. This connection with their interests can spark curiosity and make the idea of coming to church more exciting.


By connecting their interests to the concept of coming to church, you’re giving them a reason to be excited about it. The journey of faith becomes more exciting when it’s intertwined with what they already love. 


It’s important to set realistic expectations regarding church attendance. Emphasize that attending church doesn’t mean every Sunday has to be a serious commitment. Let your child know that it’s okay to have days when they might not feel like going and that their feelings will be respected. By giving them a sense of autonomy, you help them develop a positive attitude towards church rather than viewing it as an obligation.


Leading by Example

Children often learn by observing their parents’ behavior. Share your own experiences and feelings about attending church, and why it holds value for you. By showing genuine enthusiasm and participation, you set an inspiring example for your child to follow. This can create a sense of curiosity and willingness to explore the spiritual journey together.


By consistently attending church and engaging in spiritual activities, you’re creating a foundation for your child to follow. When you talk about the sense of community, the lessons you’ve learned, and the moments of connection you’ve felt, your child gets a glimpse into the world of faith. Your stories can ignite their curiosity and inspire them to explore their own journey.


Be prepared to address any concerns or questions your child might have. They might wonder about the relevance of ancient stories or the concept of faith. Encourage them to ask questions and express their doubts. Use this as an opportunity for meaningful discussions that deepen their understanding and strengthen their faith.


To make church visits more engaging, involve your child in the process. Let them choose their Sunday outfit, bring a notebook to jot down interesting points during sermons, or even encourage them to participate in church activities. This sense of involvement can make the experience more personal and enjoyable.

Talking to your children about coming to church is about fostering open dialogue, understanding their perspective, and creating a positive environment. By focusing on their interests, addressing concerns, and leading by example, you can guide them on a meaningful spiritual journey that resonates with them. Remember, the goal is to create a space where your child feels empowered to embrace their faith and engage with the church community willingly.

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