Relationship Between Christianity and Animals

The Bible is rich with references that highlight man’s relationship with animals. God creates animals, both wild and domestic, and declares them ‘good’ in Genesis 1:25. In Genesis 9:9-11, God seals a covenant not only with Noah and his descendants but also with “every living creature.” The New Testament also carries examples where animals play significant roles in Jesus’s life, like the donkey he rode into Jerusalem and the dove descending at his Baptism. These references point towards the value and sanctity of animal life.


Christian saints like St. Francis of Assisi, known for their profound connection with animals, showcased deep respect and care for God’s animal creations, considering them brothers and sisters. These insights provide a backdrop for understanding the spiritual significance of animals in the Christian narrative.

Christian Teachings about Compassion and Stewardship

Christian Teachings about Compassion and Stewardship

The beliefs and advocacies of Christianity globally point to the cultivation of kindness, compassion, and stewardship. The junction of these principles meets significantly in man’s relationship with animals, according to the Bible’s teachings. The Book of Genesis, specifically in verses 1:26-28, includes a specific dictum from God, entrusting mankind with ‘dominion’ over animals. This ‘dominion,’ should not be misunderstood as a permission to exert unbridled, oppressive control. Throughout the centuries, several theologians and scholars have clarified and emphasized it as a call for responsible stewardship. Mankind is expected to act as caring custodians, ensuring the well-being and sustainability of animal life in a profound realization that, like humans, animals too are part of God’s glorious creation.

 Christian teachings routinely underscore the principles of compassion, mercy, and love, not merely to fellow humans but manifesting these towards all of God’s creation. The Psalms, especially Psalm 145:9, profoundly state that “The Lord is good to all, and His mercy is over all that he has made.” This verse essentially means that God’s domain of mercy and goodness permeates every creature He has crafted, hence affirms that kind treatment of animals should be an inherent Christian value.


From this standpoint, behaving compassionately to animals is synonymous with practicing Christian values. Any insistence on cruelty and violence disrupts the harmony and respect for life, setting a direct contradiction with the call for stewardship and compassion. Such comprehensive interpretation encourages greater sensitivity towards animals’ rights and welfare, reflecting true Christian stewardship as God’s co-caretakers in the world.

Role of Church and Clergy

The role of the clergy and churches is fundamental in translating Christian teachings into actions, significantly so in the context of the treatment of animals. They infuse the importance of animal stewardship into their teachings and sermons, illuminating believers’ understanding and responsibility towards the care, protection, and well-being of animals. They meticulously draw from Biblical scripture, pointing out mankind’s entrusted role of stewardship over God’s creations, emphasizing that it is not a choice but a God-given responsibility.

Many parishes globally engage in special services like the “Blessing of the Animals.” This event, often celebrated in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi, involves clergy members praying for and blessing animals. It promotes an understanding where humans are not solitary in enjoying God’s grace but share it alongside the animal kingdom.

Churches and their affiliated organizations tirelessly extend their commitment beyond the confines of pulpits. They actively engage themselves in various animal welfare initiatives, collaborating with humane societies and rescue organizations, advocating for laws against animal cruelty and promoting ethical treatment. Some churches organize pet adoption drives, undertake veterinary assistance for less privileged pet owners, and carry out programs educating members on responsible pet ownership.


Outstanding among these actions is the inclusion of Saint Francis’s “Canticle of the Creatures” in the Catholic Church’s liturgy. The canticle is a profound recognition of animals as fellow creatures of God and hence deserving respect and care. This seminal piece of praise not only underlines the spiritual significance of animals but also serves as a call to action for Christians worldwide to participate in the stewardship of their well-being.


In this way, the Church and clergy embody the heart of Christian teachings, engaging in active compassion and reinforcing the belief that animals, too, belong to God’s creation, meriting love, respect, and care.

Ethical Treatment of Animals and Christianity

Precise alignment of the ethical treatment of animals within Christianity’s teachings forms a complex and nuanced discourse, given the divergence in interpretations, personal beliefs, and societal norms. Notwithstanding this complexity, the Church has always advocated for love, compassion, and responsible stewardship as fundamental principles when engaging with the natural world, including animals. These principles serve as a compass to navigate controversial issues like animal testing, hunting, and farming, which often generate heated debates in many Christian circles.


To illustrate, some Christians, in their pursuit of compassion and good stewardship, transition to vegetarian or vegan lifestyles. They view this dietary choice as an active expression of their faith, considering it a response to their deep concerns over the inhumane conditions prevalent in factory farming. They see vegetarianism or veganism as a practical way to reject practices that harm animals and cause unnecessary suffering, essentially embodying the Christian teaching of compassion and love towards all God’s creatures.


Some Christians may view ethical hunting or farming practices as being congruent with responsible stewardship. They argue that these activities, when carried out responsibly and ethically with a focus on sustainability, respect for animal life, and avoidance of unnecessary harm, align with the Biblical notion of humans as caretakers of God’s creations.


These differing perspectives spark a spirited discourse within Christianity on how followers can best honor their God-given mandate of stewardship. The discussions underline the Church’s commitment to constantly re-evaluating its teachings in light of contemporary societal changes and challenges. They broaden the understanding of love, mercy, and compassion, guiding Christians to apply these values, not just in their interactions with fellow humans, but in their relationship with the natural world and all living creatures. In essence, these engagements provide Christians with a platform to reflect and act upon the moral and ethical treatment of animals within the framework of their religious beliefs.


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